lunes, 26 de agosto de 2024

Description of an artwork

 Hello followers! Today I'm going to comment the Evora's virgin.

This is a Virgin Mary Statue with a triptych.

When we open these doors we discovered biblical scenes or the representation of Holy trinity.

The case to treat today correspond with the first explanation: biblical scenes. 

In the upper size we can see the visitation, the coronation of the Virgin and the Assumption.

In the central size we can see the Pentecost, the dead of the Virgin and the annunciation to shepherds.

In the down size we can see the adoration of Wise men, the Birth of Jesus and the annunciation to Virgin Mary.

While, on the outside with the closed gates, its a sitting Virgin Mary Statue with Jesus child.

The background is very simple and only can see some detail for example the Star and the two upper angels of the coronation of Virgin.

The Virgin Abrideira was offered in 1474, to the Convento of N. a Sa do Paraíso, Évora. It as a much later date for the completion of the piece. Shortly after being in this monastic institution, a fire destroyed part of the statue which forced the replacement of the head of the Virgin (work of the sixteenth century). The piece belongs to the Treasure of Évora's Cathedral.

It is comparable with other Virgin Shrines: Tricastela, Toldaos, Allariz, Boubon, Musee du Louvre, etc.

The origin of these statues is not really clear: some academical opine that the origin is the altarpiece while others saying that the origin is the statues of Virgin of Expectation.

These statues are forbidden in Trento's Council.

In conclusion, this gates grnerates curiosity as a matrioska, a treasure chest or a pregnant belly.

It's not strange that the spiritual successor of Virgin Shrines are the Mari Shimizu's dolls, because it's very similar coincidentally, but it's diferent because she inspires from the Japanese dolls and the ancient anatomical figurines.

Also, the Nativity Façade of la Sagrada Familia it's similar as a Gothic tripthych.

Viewed 24th August of 2024

Viewed 24th August of 2024

Viewed 24th August of 2024

Viewed 24th August of 2024

Viewed 24th August of 2024

Viewed 24th August of 2024

Viewed 24th August of 2024

Viewed 24th August of 2024

Viewed 24th August of 2024

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