lunes, 26 de agosto de 2024

The Lands mentioned in the Bible

 The Lands mentioned in the Bible 

Hello followers! Today I will explain what lands are mentioned in the Holy Writings in list form for the best understanding. This list is divided in three great geographical areas. The Bible  describes the nations from the late bronze age to the Hight Roman Empire.

1.Middle East: Fertile crescent, Levant, Scythia*, Caucasus, Anatolia, Arabia, Sinai Peninsula and Persia**.

*Scythia was an ancient nomad people of the steppes of Central Asia governed for one king. The kings was buried in burials called Kurgans.

On the other hand, in the New testament, Scythia is the name that the writer uses to refears the land that in modern day corresponding Romania and Bulgaria.

**When the Bible have a brief description of the territories of Persian empire, have mention the India. Actually in India, have several currents of Judaism and Christianism, but are very minority in comparison to Islam and Hinduism.

2.Africa: Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea and Cus (Ethiopia).

Egypt appears several times in Ancient testament.

Note: According to the Ethiopian book Kebra Nagast, the Queen of Saba was the Queen of Ethiopia and was a child with King Salomon. This child, called Menelik I, was the first king of Salomonic dinasty. More later, in 5th century, the christianism arrived to Ethiopia.

3.Mediterranean sea: Egypt, Cyprus, Greece, Dalmatia, Italy and Spain.

More of these places id this area are mentioned in Paul's trips. For example Spain, only appears one time (Romans 15:28).

-Although many people thinking that Tarsis is  Tartessos, but the book "Mentiras de la historia de España", deconstruct this myth. 

In conclusion, Both the Greeks and the istaelites haved a similar geographical knowledge.

I hope that you like this article and see you later.



Magazine: "Món medieval N°54".

Book: Los Evangelios Apócrifos

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